Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy: We respect your privacy!

Copyright Policies: If you want to use our information or graphics.

Refunds & Returns Policy: Can you return it?

Site Terms Of Use: You agree to this just by being here.

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The Faceting Academy offers different kinds of products and services, each carrying their own terms and conditions of exchange and use. Please read the terms applicable to any product or service you may be purchasing, as these terms govern things like guarantees and refunds.

Digital Content Special Terms: All digital products offered through this site are under Copyright, and any copying or transferring to other media is forbidden unless expressly permitted within the instructions of the individual product.

All purchasers, members, and users agree to refrain from copying, distribution, teaching from any of the digital products on this web site without prior written permission of the content owner. The site owner will exercise every legal remedy against breaches of this provision.

Books offered through this site may include works authored and offered directly by the site owner, as well as works by other authors directly, or through other distribution channels.

Books purchased directly from the site and shipped by the site owner will carry a money-back refund for the cost of the book only (not shipping), provided the returned book is received by the author within ten (10) calendar days of purchase, and in totally original condition, marketable as a “new, unused book”.

Books not authored by the site owner will carry the various terms or guarantees of the author or distribution channel through which they are distributed.

Live Training Events are offered on a very exclusive basis, and on a very narrow timetable. Please review detailed Faceting Academy event terms here.

On-Line Training Programs are offered on a very exclusive basis, with limited seating, and on a finite timetable. In general, the same terms apply to Mentoring Programs as to Live Events. Please review these in detail here.

Digital Classes (non-interactive, video-based) are offered through the site, and may or may not have time constraints or other limits. In general, multi-session classes that do not have limited seating will be refundable until the second class session becomes available, and not after that point.

Log-In Sharing for instant-access, digital content, or any other non-public area of the site is against our terms of use. It is also fraud – which we take personally. Our system will usually detect log-in sharing. It will then lock-out and terminate the account – and blacklist the user from the site. Forever. So, please don’t share log-in information.